Sometimes, things do not go according to plan. In the last blog post, I had stated I would attempt to share some details as to what my day-to-day life looks like. With the internship, I had expressed multiple times how time management and keeping schedules together have been my biggest tribulation. Today, June 23rd, 2023, has been the epitome of that.
Towards the beginning of this week, I had finished my batch of transciptions to look through. Although it took much longer than expected. Everything was edited and ready to go. Part of my duties as an intern at the HERstory project is to set meetings with my supervisors every time I finish a batch. It also happened to be the week of Midterm Evaluations for the class portion of this internship. So, thinking ahead, I had figured I would ask Dr. Bubriski and Dr. Cassanello to fill out the evaluation form during the zoom meeting, as it would be a good way for me to explain what the assignment is and how it would affect my grade. Whilst doing this, we would be able to discuss the batch of transcriptions and what did and did not work. I had thought I had it handled.
However, as we were discussing when the meeting would take place, we had agreed on 11am on the Friday the evaluation was due. I had thought I put the correct time in my google calendar. As you can probably see where this is going, you can assume that I did not, in fact, put the correct time in. You would be correct. So, on the day a huge assignment worth at least 25% of my grade was due, I had missed the zoom meeting, thinking it was at 1pm.
What I had done that day was everything else I had planned, with the proper times. Trivial things such as getting air in my tires and getting groceries. However, when it came down to the wire, I missed quite possibly the most important thing that day.
So, this particular day in my life had been one of sending emails asking for forgiveness for missing a meeting and asking permission for me to submit the midterm evaluation later on, perhaps on Monday. As of the time of writing this, my supervisor had emailed me to reschedule the zoom, stating that they understood (thank the universe). They had also said that they would fill out the evaluation form and send it to me by the end of the day (again, thank the universe). I have yet to hear about the extension, and my anxiety is spiraling through the roof, so we will see what happens.
I would highly, HIGHLY suggest anyone who is like me and needs to add every little thing to a schedule to remember different professional and academic engagements to always, ALWAYS, double check your appointment times. Also, please do not procrastinate like I had. This assignment is a huge part of the entire grade for this class, so GET IT DONE EARLY!!!